- TIME Magazine: The Fascinating Reason Why Liars Keep On Lying
- The Guardian: From porkies to whoppers: over time lies may desensitise brain to dishonesty
- New York Times: Why Big Liars Often Start Out as Small Ones
- The Conversation: Why being dishonest is a slippery slope
- New Scientist: Lying feels bad at first but our brains soon adapt to deceiving
- Wired: The more we lie, the easier it is for our brains to be increasingly more deceitful
- Associated Press: Slippery slope: Study finds little lies lead to bigger ones
- Huffington Post: How lying changes your brain in just a short period of time
- Discover Magazine: From Fibs to Fraud: Why Lying Is a Slippery Slope
- The Telegraph: Little white lies make it easier to go on and tell big whoppers
- The Independent: Whenever you lie, your brain adjusts to make telling bigger whoppers study finds
- LA Times: Neuroscientists show how tiny fibs snowball into big lies
- San Francisco Chronicle: Slipper Slope: Study finds little lies lead to bigger ones
- CBS News: How little lies lead to bigger lies
- STAT: Brain study shows how small lies grow into whoppers
- Vice: Lying Appears to Make It Easier to Tell More Lies
- The Australian: Little white lies the start of ‘slippery slope’, scientists find
- The Times of India: Liars in Making Small lies tune your brain to be dishonest
- CNN: Lying may be your brain’s fault, honestly
- Fox News: Lies breed lies: Brain may get desensitized to dishonesty
- The Express: Telling white lies could encourage people to tell bigger fibs in the future
- The Daily Mail: Little white lies are not as innocent as you think: over time, small fibs may desensitize our brains to dishonesty
- The Mirror: Little white lies help the brain prepare for telling whopping fibs, study reveals
- Live Science: Lies Breed Lies: Brain May Grow Desensitized to Dishonesty
- NPR : How Small Fibs Lead To Big Lies
- PBS: Telling a lie makes way for the brain to keep lying
- Vox: How do politicians get so comfortable with lying? One theory: practice.
- Der Spiegel: Warum Lügen mit der Zeit dreister werden
- Süddeutsche Zeitung: Lügen ist eine Frage der Übung
- Deustschlandfunk: Wie sich das Gehirn ans Schummeln gewöhnt
- Folha De S.Paulo: Mentir bem é uma questão de prática, afirma novo estudo
- El Pais: Mentiras fazem com que o cérebro se adapte à desonestidade com o tempo
- Leggo: Le bugie come le ciliegie. Una tira l’altra e detta la prima non si smette Piu
- Tendencias21: El comportamiento deshonesto aumenta a medida que se repite